It started with…..literally a temp job that I said yes to, just to have something to do!

I started my journey in the Social Media world when I started working with an influencer. Sure I was always creating creative stuff for fun (collages, edits, creative photography, you name it!) but I never really had a direction, you know? Until I did!

I interned with a bunch of skilled women running their own biz, never knowing I’d want to step out on my own! And let me tell you girl, when I did, it was a bumpy ride! Nevertheless, I did it!


Starting something on your own, something un-conventional no less is hard enough as it is, but it’s all that & more when you’re someone like me! I have always been the kind to always have to know what my next move was going to be, always having someone guide me, so this decision was definitely the opposite of everything I was as a person, but I knew it was my calling :)

And after a long time of staying under the safe umbrella of other people and letting them take the credit for all my creations, there I was, out in the world. On the very same day that I had decided to quit working for someone (mind you, I was still unsure), I got a work query from one of the biggest clients (a clothing boutique) in my city and took it as a sign and just went for it! From there it was bye-fixed-hours and hello working-all-day!

I’ve hustled non-stop since that day and haven’t looked back since! Tons of non-sleeping hours, creative blocks, big wins, small wins & life-changes later, here I am, talking about it on my!!!

Hope you stay tuned to my creative journey x
